19712 MacArthur Blvd Suite 110 Irvine, CA 92612 | (415) 912-8055

Navigating Boundaries


Navigating Boundaries

Are you ready to take the proactive step of setting boundaries in your life?Boundaries are essential to maintaining relationships with friends, family members, and coworkers, as they can help build trust and respect. Once you've identified your boundaries, the next step is to articulate them to those around you. Here are some strategies to effectively communicate your boundaries:Clarity is key....[ read more ]

Nurturing Positive Relationships

No matter how independent you may be, building healthy relationships with your immediate and extended family members, friends, and coworkers is still important. Research suggests that when we foster connections with those around us, it can:Improve our self-esteemMake us more cooperative, empathetic, and trustingStrengthen our immune systemsExtend our livesReduce our risk of developing anxiety and depression.How to Build Healthy RelationshipsDifferent...[ read more ]

How to Know You’re Dealing with a Narcissist

We all believe we know what narcissism looks like. After all, aren’t a majority of politicians and Hollywood A-listers narcissists, projecting their massive egos onto the world? While that may be true, narcissists come in all shapes and sizes. They walk among us, some of them obvious, and some of them covert. So how can you tell if you’re dealing with an...[ read more ]

The Powerful Benefits of Forgiveness

A very old saying says, “Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.” This is a warning to people not to act out in anger or resentment because you only end up harming yourself. Over time, these feelings of resentment can build until the individual develops feelings of depression or anxiety.While forgiving others who have hurt us isn’t always...[ read more ]

The Importance of Independence in a Relationship

When we first fall in love with that special someone, we want to spend all our time together. We seem to feel better when we are with our significant other.This is the infatuation stage, and admittedly, it feels really good. But enduring relationships move past this stage and into a place of mutual respect and care. This will require each...[ read more ]