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5 Summer Activities That Can Boost Your Mental Health

mental health

5 Summer Activities That Can Boost Your Mental Health

The sun is shining, temperatures are climbing, and yet... you're grappling with feelings of depression. While seasonal affective disorder (SAD) typically strikes in the colder months, it can also cast a shadow during spring and summer. Whether it's SAD or another cause, here are five summer activities to uplift your spirits:Step outside for a new outdoor workout regimen like walking,...[ read more ]

How Spring Cleaning Can Improve Your Mental Health

As spring rolls around, you might feel the itch to give your home a deep clean. We call this "spring cleaning," and it's all about decluttering and tackling those forgotten spots like baseboards and window treatments.Now, besides just making your home sparkle, did you know that spring cleaning can also do wonders for your mental well-being? Here's how:It helps you...[ read more ]

The Impact of Estrangement on Mental Health

Have you found yourself distancing or cutting ties with a family member? You're not alone. Recent statistics from Psychology Today reveal that over a quarter of the U.S. population currently experiences estrangement from family members, and more than 43% have encountered family estrangement at some point in their lives.Estrangement often arises from various factors such as neglect, abuse, divorce, incarceration,...[ read more ]

Discovering Mindfulness: Cultivating Present-Moment Awareness for a Balanced Life

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding moments of tranquility can sometimes feel like chasing fireflies in a storm. Yet, there's a timeless practice that's been quietly revolutionizing the way we experience the world around us – mindfulness. So, grab a cup of tea, find a cozy spot, and let's delve into the art of mindfulness and how...[ read more ]

Signs you Need to Take a Mental Health Day

Do you ever get up in the morning and wonder if taking a mental health day would be okay? If so, you’re definitely not alone. In fact, research from the American Psychological Association shows that today’s workforce is experiencing job burnout at alarming rates.What are Mental Health Days Exactly?The good news is that taking a mental health day every once...[ read more ]

Beginner’s Guide to Focusing on Mental Health

These days, many people focus on their physical health. But few give much attention, if any, to their mental health.What does mental health refer to? Mental health describes a person’s overall psychological health and well-being. It has much to do with how you feel about yourself, your ability to manage your emotions, how you deal with challenges, and the relationships...[ read more ]

How to Tell When You’re Feeling Burned Out

Many people think burnout is simply being incredibly tired after a long week or month of work or school studies. But burnout is much more than physical exhaustion; it has, in fact, been called the “triad of depersonalization, emotional exhaustion, and feelings of detachment.” Here are some additional signs of burnout:PessimismPessimism is a major red flag that someone is experiencing burnout....[ read more ]

How to Support Your Mental Health Between Therapy Sessions

Therapy is a beautiful way to explore your inner world, process your feelings, and inspire transformation. But my clients often tell me that a day or so after our session, they begin to feel a little lost and anxious again.It’s important to support the progress you’ve made with your therapist in between your sessions. Here is what I advise my...[ read more ]

Walk and Talk Therapy: Nature’s Healing Power

For as long as there have been human beings on this planet, there have been people who took a walk when they felt a strong negative emotion. There is just something so beneficial about walking. It seems to calm us down and clear our heads so we can think from a calm and logical state instead of an emotional one.So...[ read more ]

Walk and Talk Therapy: Nature’s Healing Power

For as long as there have been human beings on this planet, there have been people who took a walk when they felt a strong negative emotion. There is just something so beneficial about walking. It seems to calm us down and clear our heads so we can think from a calm and logical state instead of an emotional one.So...[ read more ]